Call us at 626-792-3390 for an emergency or urgent appointment if you've experienced personal injury, on-the-job or industrial-related injury (such as Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, slipped disc), auto crash and vehicle accidents (whiplash, neck pain).

Personal injury cases are difficult at times, and are challenging to treat and to resolve legally. Slip and falls, and other injuries can cause you to lose work and suffer pain. We get to the cause of the pain while we try to help your legal advisor resolve issues of legal fault and payment for treatment by the representative insurance companies.

We accept Workers' Compensation patients. Dr. Bud has earned the Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) designation. He can treat your "Future Medical Care" benefits from the Workers Compensation Appeals Board of California. He has passed rigorous tests for the evaluation of industrial injuries. Few California chiropractic practices have a doctor who is QME certified and this can be a great asset in the clinical management of your active or lifetime benefits case under the California Workers' Compensation Appeals Board.

QME's are hired by attorneys, insurance companies and the State of California to evaluate accurately an industrial injury so that a numerical value can be placed on an injury to settle a disputed or unresolved injury case. Dr. Budincich is also an "AME" (Agreed Medical Examiner), which is when both sides of a dispute hire a doctor together to resolve the nature and extent of an injury and its percentage of disability.

Dr. Bud has represented workers' rights and submitted written reports to resolve disputed medical-legal questions. He understands the law and your individual rights and those of the employer. We can help you return to work faster while keeping the costs lower for the insurance payer and the employer. We can keep your old pain and problems under control so you can continue to work.

Ergonomics and Industrial Safety
Dr. Bud is also available to lecture at your job site and for your employees and help you comply with OSHA requirements.


We also see busy professionals, often suffering from maladies such as migraine, sinus or tension headaches, anxiety, TMJ and neck pain which may often be, in part, stress-related. It's important to take care of yourself so you can take care of others. We offer early, late and Saturday appointments to accommodate your schedule.


We are proud to count many professional athletes among our valued patients. We also treat student athletes, from school age through college, and have served as Team Chiropractor for local high schools as well as PCC and USC teams for sports injury and prevention, using techniques such as Kineseo taping. Our sports injury rehabilitation and physical therapy is designed for optimum recovery.

"The office is also very family friendly... and great with kids..." - Tabitha E.

Budincich Chiropractic is proud to have treated up to four generations in some families. From newborns (including birth trauma and subluxations), babies (colic) to school age children, pregnant mothers and seniors. Some come to us for management of symptoms caused by arthritis, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, heel spurs, and anatomical short leg (LLI).

In newborns, we check the child for birth trauma common after a long, traumatic labor and delivery for subluxations. Sixty to ninety pounds of force is often required to extract the child from the birth canal or during c-sections, this is why post-partum chiropractic for the newborn is recommended just after birth and later if symptoms appear such as colic or sleeplessness.

We examine developing children for scoliosis, foot faults (including pronation), anatomical short leg, and congenital spinal and postural problems.

Budincich Chiropractic Clinic works with several OB-GYN doctors in the San Gabriel Valley to help pregnant mothers with the back pain caused by the postural changes in the back due to pregnancy and its resultant hyperextension and "swayback" posture that it creates.

We fit heel lifts, orthotics and sports injury braces for the entire family after becoming "weekend warriors".

Our patients who are older adults or seniors come to us for treatment for joint issues such as arthritis and spinal stenosis as an alternative to surgery. We diagnose and treat most major musculoskeletal and nerve-related conditions.